Bhagavad Gita Summary in English | Quotes in Bhagavad Gita

In the article “summary of the Bhagavad Gita,” you will know a little about Hinduism’s great philosophical and holy scriptures.



Bhagavad gita summary in english:

The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita (the Gita) is a Hindu scripture in the Sanskrit language. The meaning of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita in English is ‘The Song by God’. This scripture is of 1st-millennium BCE and contains 18 chapters and 700 verses, and it is a part of the epic Mahabharata. The Gita is among the most important holy scriptures and religious texts of Hinduism. A righteous war is going to happen between Pandavas and Kauravas. The Gita is the dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his charioteer Lord Krishna just before the onset of war. It is one of the most significant philosophical dialogues in the world. Pandava prince Arjuna worries about the brutality and death the battle will cause. However, Supreme Godhead Krishna guides Arjuna to perform his warrior duty to support the Dharma via selfless action. This summary of Bhagavad Gita is to understand the Geeta quickly.

Characters in Bhagavad Gita:


Arjuna or Partha was a friend and devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa and one of the five sons of Pandu.


Lord Krishna is an incarnation of Vishnu and Supreme Godhead Himself. He became the charioteer of Arjuna in the righteous war of Mahabharata.


He was righteous by nature and advisor of Dhritarashtra, the blind king of Hastinapura. He has the power to see events at a distance.


Kuru king and father of the one hundred sons (Kauravas), including Duryodhana and Dushasana.

Bhagavad gita chapter 1:

Arjun Vishadayoga (47 verses):

In this chapter, the blind king Dhritarashtra asks Sanjay about the ongoings of the battlefield. Sanjan tells him about both the armies and speaks about King Duryodhan’s teacher Dronacharya. Arjun requests too lord Krishna to take the chariot to the middle of both armies to see the warriors. Arjun sees his relatives, teachers, friends, and well-wishers on the enemy side. After seeing it, Arjuna is distressed and overwhelmed with grief.

Bhagavad gita chapter 2:

Sankhyayoga (72 verses):

When Supreme Lord Krishna sees Arjun overwhelmed with pity, Krishna asks him to give up such petty weakness and motivate him. Lord also tells him about the soul’s eternal nature and tells him about his duty as a warrior. Lord Krishna also reveals Buddhi Yog or the Yog of Intellect. Arjun asks God about the life of an enlightened person. In addition, Supreme Lord tells Arjun about attachment, desire, anger, and practicing self-control.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 3:

Karmayoga (43 verses):

The Supreme Personality of Godhead explains Karmayoga or the yoga of action to the Pandav Prince Arjun in this chapter. Arjun also asks Krishna to show the path to attain the highest good. Lord Krishna explains two ways of leading to enlightenment: the course of knowledge and work. In this chapter Supreme Lord also tell Arjun about the life of karma yogis who control their knowledge senses with the mind.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 4:

Gyana Karma Sanyasayoga (42 verses):

In the fourth chapter Lord Krishna reveals that he has taught Gyana Karma Sanyasayoga to the Sun God at the beginning of time. Arjun wonders how Krishna could do this so many years back in time, while Krishna was born more recently. Shree Krishna clarifies his doubts and tells him about his Yogmaya power. The Supreme Lord also tells him about action, in-action, and forbidden. Finally, Krishna tells Arjun to establish himself in Karmyog.

Summary of Chapter 5:

Karma Sanyasayoga (29 verses):

Arjun asks Shree Krishna about Karm sanyās and Karmyog in this chapter. Lord Krishna says that Karm yogis have purified intellect, neither desire nor hate anything.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 6:

Dhyanayoga (Aatmasayamyoga) (47 verses):

Lord Krishna tells Arjun that actual yogi performs their duties without desiring the outcomes. Shree Krishna also reveals how conquering the mind is essential and tells that who see everything like dirt, stones, and gold—as the same. Krishna also demonstrates how to get rid of desires. In addition, Lord Krishna also tells who can practice Yog and how to mitigate all sorrows by practicing Yog.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 7:

Gyana Vigyanayoga (30 verses):

Lord Krishna tells Arjun how he can know me completely. Lord also reveals the source of the entire creation. Krishna also tells who is very dear to him. Lord Krishna also says how less intelligent people think of him. In addition, Krishna also says he knows about the past, present, and future.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 8:

Akshara Brahmayoga (28 verses):

Arjun asks Lord Krishna about the Brahman, Adhyatma, Karma, Adhibhuta, and Adhidaiva. Lord Krishna explained to him all the answers. Then, Lord Krishna says that if a person remembers his name at the moment of death, he will come to him. Besides, Lord Krishna tells arjuna to remember him and do his duty to fight the war. Finally, Lord Krishna also reveals to Arjun how to get rid of the cycle of rebirth.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 9:

Raja Vidya Raja Guhyayoga (34 verses):

Lord Krishna tells the Arjun what type of people cannot attain him. Lord Krishna also tells him about the mystery of his divine energy. In addition, Lord Krishna also reveals the most straightforward path of union with the Supreme God. The supreme God also tells who continually comes back to in this material world in the cycle of birth and death.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 10:

Vibhutiyoga (42 verses):

Lord Krishna tells Arjun that he is the creator of the various qualities of humans like intellect, knowledge, freedom from doubt and delusion, forgiveness, truthfulness, control over the senses and mind. Besides, Lord Krishna says that all the people of this world come from me, and I am the origin of all spiritual and material worlds.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 11:

Vishvarupa Darshanayoga (55 verses):

Arjun requests the Supreme Lord Krishna to show his divine cosmic form, so Lord Krishna gives him the divine eyes. Arjun saw unlimited mouths, eyes, and beautiful visions in that universal form. If hundreds of thousands of suns were in the sky, they would not match the splendor of that Supreme Person in that universal form.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 12:

Bhakti yoga (20 verses):

Arjun asks The Supreme Personality of Godhead about the two types of yogis. Among them whom he considers perfect. Besides, Lord Krishna asks Arjun to fix his mind on the highest God and submit intellect to him.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 13:

Kshetra Kshetragya Vibhagayoga (34 verses):

Arjun asks Shree Krishna about nature, puruṣh, the field, and the Field-Knower. Lord Krishna says within the body also resides the Supreme Lord or Supreme Soul or Paramātmā. So if a person understands three modes of nature and truth about Parmatma, he will be free from the rebirth cycle.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 14:

Gunatraya Vibhagayoga (27 verses):

Lord Krishna explains the Three Modes of Material Nature, such as sattva (goodness), rajas (passion), and tamas (ignorance). Lord says that Rajo guṇa, or mode of desire, is born of unlimited worldly desires and longings. Tamo guṇa, or mode of ignorance, is the cause of the delusion of all embodied living entities. Lord also tells that Sattva guṇa, or the mode of goodness, frees one from all sinful reactions and builds a sense of happiness and knowledge.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 15:

Purushottamayoga (20 verses):

Lord Krishna says that splendor of the sun, moon, and fire come from me, and I also nourish all living beings with My energy. In addition, Lord Krishna tells Arjun that I am transcendental and if someone knows me as a Supreme divine personality, without doubt, is the knower of everything. Finally, Shree Krishna reveals to Arjun that this is the most secret principle of the Vedic scriptures. Whoever understands this will become enlightened and ingenious, and his works will be perfect.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 16:

Daivasura Sampad Vibhagayoga (24 verses):

In this chapter, Supreme Personality tells about the two types of human nature, divine and demoniac. Transcendental qualities of those endowed with a divine nature are fearlessness, charity, self-control, austerity, simplicity, freedom from anger, etc. On the other hand, the qualities of those having a demoniac nature are ignorance, harshness, anger, conceit, arrogance, and hypocrisy.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 17:

Shraddhatraya Vibhagayoga (28 verses):

Lord Krishna tells Arjun that people prefer to eat food according to the nature of their mind, like sāttvic, rājasic, or tamasic. He also qualifies the three divisions of faith, deeds, and thoughts. People with sāttvic nature of mind (sattva-guna) prefer to eat food that increases the duration of life and gives them strength, health, and happiness. Tāmasic nature of mind (Tama-guna) like to eat decomposed, putrid, polluted, and impure food. While, People with rājasic nature of mind (raja-guna) prefer to eat too bitter, too sour, salty, very hot, spicy, dry, and burning.

Bhagavad gita Chapter 18:

Moksha Sanyasayoga (78 verses):

In this chapter, Arjun asks Lord Krishna about the nature of sanyās and the purpose of renunciation. Lord Krishna says that sanyāsī has to sacrifice family and social life to practice spiritual discipline. And a tyāgī has to act without selfish desires for the results of his efforts.

In this Summary of Bhagavad the Gita, you get a hint of every chapter of the Holy Bhagavad Gita. So dear devotees of Krishna, keep learning and do something great in life.

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