How many authors wrote the bible | How many bible authors

In this (how many bible authors) article, we will know how many authors wrote the bible. The Bible is an incredible collection of religious books sacred in Christianity.


How many bible authors :

So, there are approximately 40 authors, including anonymous authors, who wrote the Bible over 1500 years. The 37 out of 40 Bible authors are listed here. Let,s see how many bible authors…

Old Testament Bible authors

1. Agur

He was the author of Proverbs 30. He presumably lived in the 3rd-century BC, the same era as Solomon, and he was the son of Jakeh. Proverbs 30 explains the ways of man versus the knowledge of God.

2. Amos

He was the author of The Book of Amos and one of the Twelve Minor Prophets. Amos also worked as a shepherd and a sycamore-fig farmer from Tekoa. In addition, he was an uncompromising monotheist and believed in economic justice.

3. Asaph and family

He and his family were the authors of the 12 Psalms. Asaph was the father of Joah and son of Berechiah the Gershonite. Besides, King David assigned Asaph and his family as worship leaders in the tabernacle choir.

4. Daniel

He was the author of The Book of Daniel and is considered a prophet in Christianity. Meaning of Denielis “God (El) is my judge.” The tale of Susanna describes how he saves the reputation of a Jewish married lady.

5. David

He wrote around half of the book of Psalms. According to Hebrew Bible, David was the king of the United Monarchy of Israel and Judah. Before becoming the king, David was a young shepherd and harpist. Besides, David earns fame by killing the Philistine giant Goliath. So David became king after the first king of united Israel.

6. Ethan

Ethan authored Psalm 89, and he was one of the wisest men in the world. According to Hebrew Bible, Ethan was a singer at King David’s court, well known for his wisdom. He was a son of Kishaiah, of the Merarite branch of Levites.

7. Ezekiel

He was the author of The Book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel also believed as a Hebrew prophet in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. He was born in c. 622 BCE and died aged 51 in c. 570 BCE in Babylon. The meaning of Ezekiel is “God is strong.”

8. Ezra

He was the author of The book of Ezra. Besides, Ezra also wrote the 1st and 2nd Chronicles and maybe parts of Nehemiah. Ezra was a Jewish priest, scribe, and descendant of Sraya. In addition, he was the last High Priest to serve in the Solomon’s Temple (First Temple).

9. Habakkuk

Habakkuk was a prophet and wrote the book Habakkuk. He was active around 612 BC and revered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Besides, The book of Habakkuk includes a song of praise to God and five oracles about the Babylonians.

10. Haggai

He was among the twelve minor prophets and the author of The book of Haggai. Haggai means my holidays. In addition, He was a Hebrew prophet in 520 BCE and his feast day is 16 December. He is also well-known for commanding the Jews to rebuild the Temple.

How many authors wrote the bible

11. Heman

According to the Psalm’s title, he was the author of Psalm 88 in the Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible. Moreover, he was one of the three Levites assigned by King David to be music ministers. Besides, He was a musician and the son of Joel and grandson of Samuel, the final judge of Israel.

12. Hosea

According to Hebrew Bible Hosea, He was an 8th-century BC prophet in Israel and author of The book of Hosea. Hosea married an unfaithful lady Gomer who was the daughter of Diblaim.

13. Isaiah

He was an Israelite prophet in the 8th-century BC. He was born in the 8th century BC in Judah and died in the 7th century BC. Besides, he wrote The Book of Isaiah.

14. Jeremiah

Jeremiah, or weeping prophet, was the author of the Book of Jeremiah, the Books of Kings, and Lamentations. He was born in c. 650 BC in Anathoth and died in c. 570 BC in Egypt.

15. Joel

He was the second of the twelve minor prophets and author of The book of Joel.

16. Jonah

He was a prophet in the Quran and the author of The Book of Jonah. He was the son of Amittai and was born in the 9th century BCE..E. and died in the 8th century. Furthermore, Jonah delivered God’s messages to the city of Nineveh.

17. Joshua

He was the author of The Book of Joshua. He was born in Goshen (Lower Egypt), Ancient Egypt, and died in Canaan.

18. Lemuel

He was the king of Massa and the author of the Book of Proverbs.

19. Malachi

He was the author of The Book Malachi, the last book of the Prophets.

20. Micah

He was a prophet in Judaism and the author of The book of Micah.

How many authors wrote the bible

21. Moses

He was one of the most important prophets in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Besides, he was the author of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

22. Nahum

He was a minor prophet and the author of The book of Nahum. He was a very nationalistic Hebrew.

23. Nehemiah

He was governor of Persian Judea and author of The book of Nehemiah.

24. Obadiah

He was the friend of Job and the author of The book of Obadiah. Obadiah is a biblical theophoric name, and it means worshiper of Yahweh.

25. Samuel

He wrote the 1st and 2nd Samuel, Ruth, and Judges. He was born in c. before 1070 BCE and died in c. 1012 BCE in Ramah in Benjamin. Samuel is revered as a prophet by Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

26. Solomon

He was the author of Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, or Song of Songs. He was the progeny of King David and Bathsheba, widow of Uriah the Hittite. Husband of Bathsheba, Uriah was an elite soldier in the army of David, and he was serving abroad. King David saw the wife of Uriah, who was bathing in the privacy. Finally, King David impregnated her, and to hide his misdeeds, David murdered Uriah by proxy. Besides, Solomon or Jedidiah became an affluent and wise King of the United Kingdom of Israel.

27. Sons of Korah

Korah was a Levite, and he is known for leading a rebellion against Moses. Korah was the grandson of Kohath, and the children of Korah wrote 11 psalms such as Psalm 42, Psalms 44–49, Psalms 84–85, and Psalms 87-88.

28. Zechariah

He was the eleventh of the Twelve Minor Prophets and author of The book of Zechariah. The father of Zechariah was Berechiah, and his grandfather was Iddo.

29. Zephaniah

He was the son of Cushi and the author of The book of Zephaniah. In addition, Zephaniah was the great-great-grandson of King Hezekiah.

How many authors wrote the bible

New Testament Bible authors

These are the authors of the New Testament of the Bible.

30. James

He was the younger brother of Jesus and author of The Book of James. He was born in the early 1st century and murdered as a martyA.D. AD 62 or 69.

31. John

He wrote the Gospel of John, 1st John, 2nd John, 3rd John, and Revelation. He was born in AD AD in Bethsaida, Galilee, Roman Empire, and died at age 93 in c. 100 AD. Besides, He was the son of Zebedee and Salome and one of the twelve apostles of Jesus.

32. Jude

He was the author of the Book of Jude. He was the younger brother of James the Just and a servant of Jesus Christ.

How many authors wrote the bible

33. Luke

He was the writer of the Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles. he was born in c. early 1st cenA.D. In Antioch, Syria, the Roman Empire died at 84 in Thebes, Boeotia, Achaea, Roman Empire. Moreover, he was one of the Four Evangelists and a physician.

34. Mark

He was the writer of the Gospel of Mark. He was born in cA.D. AD in Cyrene, Pentapolis of North, died on 25 April 68 (aged 55–56) Alexandria, Egypt, Roman Empire.

35. Matthew

Saint Matthew was among the twelve apostles of Jesus and one of the four Evangelists of the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew the Apostle was born in 1st cenA.D. A.D. Capernaum and died in 1st cenA.D. AD near Hierapolis or Ethiopia, relics in Salerno, Italy. Matthew was one of eleven apostles of Christ who saw him physically depart from Earth by rising into Heaven.

36. Paul

Saint Paul or Paul the Apostle was a Christian apostle. He was the author of Romans, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, 1st and 2nd Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and possibly the book of Hebrews.

37. Peter

He was the author of Peter (1st and 2nd). He was Born on the c. AD one in Bethsaida, Gaulanitis, Syria, Roman Empire, and Died BetweeA.D.A.D. 64–68 in Vatican Hill, Rome, Italia, Roman Empire. His birth name was Shimon Bar Yonah, and he also worked as Fisherman and clergyman. His Papacy beganAA.D. AD 30 and ended BeA.D.een A.D. 64–68.

After reading the article “How many bible authors,” now you know the name of the 37 authors of the Bible. In addition, you learned something about these bible authors.

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